course faqs

How to write your online course FAQs (with examples)

When people land on your sales page, they'll have questions that could make or break their decision to buy. Your course FAQs aren't just about answering practical questions—they're a tool to address concerns. To do this well, they need to be carefully crafted to persuade them that your course is the right choice.

Siobhan James, copywriter for course creators, headshot

Siobhán James


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online course faq examples
online course faq examples
online course faq examples

How to write your online course FAQs (with examples)

Why every course needs an FAQ section

When potential students get to the end of your course sales page, they'll have questions. These might be about practical details or deeper concerns like whether they have the time, if the course is right for them, or if they can achieve the promised results.

Your FAQ section isn't just a list of questions—it's your chance to handle objections that could stop people buying.

If done well, it can nudge people off the fence. If done poorly, it can leave students with more questions than they started with.

That's why you need to approach this section strategically, rather than as an after-thought at the bottom of your sales page.

Common mistakes in course FAQ sections

Your course FAQs can be really helpful in terms of conversions, but only if they're done right. Here are the common mistakes to avoid.

Mistake 1: Including questions that nobody is actually thinking

Don't include questions just to fill space. Every question should be something potential students actually care about.


What language is this course in?

It's in English! All of our lessons are in English and all of our support staff speak English fluently.

It's a silly example, but if your course is clearly in English, this question isn't needed and just clutters the FAQ. Stick to questions that really matter, like practical concerns or sales objections that support your messaging strategy.

Mistake 2: Using puffed-up questions to hype up the course

Avoid overly promotional questions that don't add real information. It's an instant turn off and most people will scroll right past the whole FAQ section, even if there are better questions below.


Is this really the best course ever?

Glad you asked! Yes, we really do believe we're the best course you could possibly buy, because…

This sounds like a sales pitch, not a genuine FAQ. Phrase all of your questions in the way your ideal student would say it—and if they wouldn't say it, don't include it.

Mistake 3: Burying essential parts of your sales message

Your most persuasive copy shouldn't be hidden in the FAQ, but I see this all the time. If it's key to getting people to consider buying, it should be much nearer the top of your page.


Who is this course for?

This course is for people who struggle with pain in their daily lives, who want a holistic way to ease their symptoms without paying for expensive treatments.

In one question, you've buried the pain points, desires and concerns of your ideal customer—the most important parts of your sales copy. Treat your FAQ section like a safety net where you catch extra questions after you've covered core messaging points.

Mistake 4: Burying important information about the product

Poorly written course FAQs often hide critical details like pricing or access details. These shouldn't be buried in the FAQ—they need to be easy to find elsewhere on your page.


What happens when I join?

You'll get instant access to all of our core materials. Then after six weeks, you'll lose access with an extra fee if you'd like to rejoin at a later date!

Hiding important details like this can lead to frustration and refunds or chargebacks. Be upfront and make sure essential info like access details are extremely clear elsewhere on your sales page. Your FAQ should clarify (not introduce) this kind of thing.

Mistake 5: Introducing features that aren't covered elsewhere

The FAQ section isn't the place to introduce new ideas like extra features or bonus content. It should back up what you've already said, not surprise students with something new.


What if I get stuck?

We're here for you! Along with the main lessons, you'll also get access to weekly group coaching calls so you can ask our experts any questions as you work through the course.

Again, use the FAQ to remind, not reveal. Introducing new concepts this late in the game usually just introduces more questions. If it's important enough to be part of your offer, it's important enough to be covered in your main sales page sections.

Mistake 6: Putting your questions in the wrong order

Order matters. The most common or important course FAQs should come first, with less powerful questions further down. Think about the right sequence of questions, just like you'd carefully plan your broader sales funnel structure.


Q1. Do you offer refunds?

We'd never want you to be unhappy with our course! Just contact us within 30 days and we'll issue a full refund, no questions asked.

Starting with a refund question might suggest that students are likely to want their money back. Start with more confidence-boosting or reassuring questions first, then move to doubt-focused questions like this later on.

Necessity objections

When potential students are considering your course, they'll often wonder if it's something they really need—even if they're your ideal student. These course FAQs address those doubts by helping them see the value and urgency of enrolling.

Do I really need to take this course?

Some students might be unsure if they truly need your course. Show them the specific outcomes they'll achieve and explain how the course solves a problem they have or helps them reach a goal.

Example answer

You've probably tried a lot of things to lose weight and it's tough to know if this time will be any different. If you've been stuck and not seeing the results you want, this course is designed to help you finally break through those barriers, so you can start feeling more confident in your own skin. But only you can decide whether it's time to solve this problem once and for all.

Try leaving the ball in their court after showing them the gap between where they are now and where they'd like to be.

Can't I learn this for free online?

With so much free content available, students might wonder if they really need to pay for your course. Show them why your course is better than free options they might find by focusing on the structure and support.

Example answer

Sure, there's a ton of free content out there about Facebook Ads—but how much time do you have to sift through it all and figure out what actually works? This course takes out all the guesswork. We've organised everything into a clear, step-by-step process that's easy to follow, and you’ll get direct feedback from experts who've been where you are. Instead of wasting hours on YouTube or blog posts, you’ll be able to focus on what really matters—creating ads that actually make you money.

Highlight the benefits of having a clear, structured learning path, expert support, and a community to learn with. Very few free options will provide them with that.

I'm not sure this is a priority. Can it wait?

Sometimes, students know they need the course but aren't sure if now is the right time. Explain why starting now is important. Waiting could mean missing out on opportunities or continuing to struggle with the same issues.

Example answer

I get it. Life gets busy and it's hard to know when the right time is to focus on your marriage. But let me ask you this: how long have you been feeling like things need to change? Because the sooner you start, the sooner you'll see improvements in your relationship. This course is designed to fit into your schedule, no matter how hectic things are. So remember, waiting means more of the same struggles, but starting now means turning things around for the better.

The focus should be on tackling procrastination. Help them see that they'll always feel this way, so there's no time like the present.

Outcome objections

Potential students often want to know if your course will really help them achieve their goals. These course FAQs address their concerns by making the outcomes clear and believable.

Will this really help me [achieve outcome]?

Students might be skeptical about whether your course can deliver on its promises. Use this question if your course offers a specific outcome that students might doubt they can achieve themselves.

Example answer

If you're serious about losing weight, this course will help you lose weight in a healthy, lasting way. You'll get practical tools that have worked for many others, so you can finally reach your weight loss goals. This isn’t just another diet—it’s a complete lifestyle change that makes a real difference.

If your course has a proven method or framework, make sure they know it works where other approaches might have failed.

Is it really possible to [achieve outcome]?

Some students might doubt that the promised results are achievable at all. Include a question like this in your course FAQs if your students have struggled to solve the problem before or if the goal seems particularly lofty to them.

Example answer

Yes, it's absolutely possible to create profitable Facebook Ads, even if you’ve had trouble before. This course breaks everything down into simple steps. You’ll learn how to target the right people, make great ads, and get the best results. We’ve seen students with no experience build ads that bring in real money. You can do it, too.

This is your chance to reassure them that the outcome is within reach and explain why your course makes it easier to get there.

Will this really help me with [pain point]?

Some students will have a very specific pain point that's a major concern for them. Use this question if your students already believe in the general approach but are unsure if it will really solve their specific issue or how well it will work for them.

Example answer

If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your partner, this course will help you reconnect. You’ll learn how to communicate better, resolve conflicts, and bring back the closeness you used to have. Many couples have used these strategies to turn their marriages around—so yes, this course can really help you, too.

When addressing this question, focus on how the course is tailored to solve their specific pain point and highlight the success others have had in similar situations.

Money objections

When potential students are considering your course, the cost can be a significant factor in their decision. These course FAQs help them see the value of your course and why it's worth the investment.

Is this really worth the price?

Students might be wondering if your course is worth the cost, especially if they’ve seen cheaper options. Use this question to explain the value they’re getting for their money.

Example answer

I know investing in a weight loss course can feel like a big step, but think about what it’s worth to finally see results. This course isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about changing your life. You’ll get expert guidance, personalised feedback, and a proven system that’s helped many others achieve lasting weight loss. When you consider the long-term benefits, it’s worth every penny.

Help them see the long-term value and why your course is a better investment than cheaper alternatives.

Couldn't I learn this cheaper elsewhere?

Some students might think they can find a similar course at a lower cost, usually through marketplaces like Udemy or Skillshare. Use this question to highlight what makes your course unique and why it's worth the price.

Example answer

It’s true, you might find cheaper courses out there, but here’s the difference: this course offers a complete, step-by-step guide to Facebook Ads with ongoing support from experts. You won’t just learn theory—you’ll get practical help to make sure your ads are actually working. The results you’ll get from this course will far outweigh the cost.

Emphasise the unique features and support that make your course a better investment than cheaper options.

Do you offer any discounts?

Some students might wonder if there are discounts available, especially for those facing financial hardship or who belong to particular groups. Use course FAQs like this to address any special pricing and explain how you make the course accessible.

Example answer

We understand that finances can be a concern, and we’re committed to making this course accessible. We do offer discounts for students, military personnel, and those facing financial hardship. If you qualify, please reach out, and we’ll do our best to help you get started. Your relationship’s health is important, and we want to make sure cost isn’t a barrier to improving it.

Be transparent about accessibility discounts, and emphasise your commitment to making the course accessible to those who need it.

Suitability objections

When thinking about your course, students might wonder if it's really right for them. These online course FAQs help them see if it's a good fit based on their level, situation, or unique needs.

Is this course suitable for [level]?

They might be unsure if your course is right for their experience level—whether they're beginners, intermediates, or advanced. Course FAQs like this help clear up who the course is designed for.

Example answer

Whether you're just getting started with Facebook Ads or you've been running campaigns for a while, this course is designed for all levels. If you're new, we'll walk you through the basics. If you’ve got some experience, we’ll dive into advanced strategies to help you take your ads to the next level. No matter where you’re at, this course will help you improve your skills and get better results.

Make it clear that the course is designed to help students at any stage (or state the specific level if there is one), so they'll feel confident it's right for them.

Will this course work if I'm [in a specific situation]?

Some students might wonder if the course will work for their particular situation, like their industry, business model, or lifestyle. Use a question like this to address any specific concerns.

Example answer

Absolutely. This course is effective even if you've got challenges like a slow metabolism, past injuries, or a hectic schedule. We tailor the strategies to fit your specific needs, so you can still see progress no matter what's going on. We'll help you find the right approach that works for your body and lifestyle.

Reassure them that the course can be adapted to their specific circumstances, so they know it's a good fit.

Does this work well for [specific segment]?

If your course is broad, some students might worry it won't fit their specific niche or unique traits. Use course FAQs like this to show how the course can still be relevant to them.

Example answer

Absolutely. This course is just as helpful for couples who've been together for a long time. We know that long-term relationships can face different challenges, and the tools we teach are designed to help you reconnect even after many years together. We've seen many older couples rediscover their bond and strengthen their relationship after enrolling in our program.

Show them how the course content is flexible and inclusive, so they feel confident it will work for their specific situation.

Time objections

When students are thinking about enrolling, they might worry about whether they have the time to commit to your course or how quickly they'll be able to see results. These questions help address those concerns.

I need results fast. How long will it take to complete the course?

Some students might be in a hurry to see results and wonder if your course will deliver them quickly enough. Use a question like this to set realistic expectations while highlighting the efficiency of your approach.

Example answer

This weight loss course is designed to help you start seeing changes quickly, usually within the first few weeks. You can finish the whole course in six weeks, but it's flexible—you can go at your own pace and fit it into your life. We focus on changes that stick, not just quick fixes.

Help them understand that while quick results are possible, the course also focuses on long-term success.

Can I take the course at my own pace?

Students with busy schedules might worry about finding the time each week. Make sure your course FAQs reassure them that your course is flexible and can fit into their life around current commitments.

Example answer

Absolutely. This Facebook Ads course is self-paced, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need to. If you’ve got a lot of time, you can power through it, or you can take your time and fit it in around your other commitments. We suggest at least [X hours a week] to get the best results, but you’re in control of how you move through the course.

Emphasise that they can go at their own speed and manage their time as it suits them, with some guidelines about the ideal pace.

I have a busy schedule. What if I fall behind?

Students might worry about keeping up with a cohort or a course that's released in stages. Use a question like this to reassure them that the course schedule can be flexible if they need it to be.

Example answer

We know life gets busy, especially if you’re balancing a lot of things. This marriage course runs with a group, so everyone moves through it together. But if you need more time, just let your instructor know. We can give you extra time to complete the course, so you won't miss anything important.

Reassure them that the course is built to be flexible, so they don't need to worry about falling behind. If you can't be flexible, focus on accountability instead (how you'll help them stay on track).

Credibility objections

When potential students are considering your course, they might question your qualifications or whether the course is recognised by reputable institutions. A question like this helps build trust by reinforcing your expertise and the course’s credibility.

What qualifies you to teach on this topic?

Students might wonder about your background and what makes you an authority on the subject. Use a question like this to highlight your experience, education, and any relevant achievements.

Example answer

I've been helping people lose weight for over 15 years, focusing on sustainable, healthy habits. I’m a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, and I’ve guided hundreds of people to reach their goal weight. My approach is based on proven methods and years of experience working with clients just like you.

Establishing your expertise not only reassures them but also sets expectations for the level of support and knowledge they'll receive.

Is this course recognised by [institution]?

If your course is accredited or endorsed by a recognised institution, this is a key selling point. Course FAQs like this is an opportunity to highlight any official recognition the course has received.

Example answer

Yes, this Facebook Ads course is recognised by [industry body]. It's designed to meet the standards set across the industry, making sure you're learning the most up-to-date and effective strategies. The skills you gain here are highly valued by employers and clients alike.

Highlighting any recognition like this can differentiate your course from other products, so use it where you can.

How much experience do you have with [segment]?

Students might worry if you understand their specific needs, especially if your course targets a specialised group or they're in a minority segment in your audience. A question like this allows you to show your experience with people in their specific situation.

Example answer

I’ve worked with all kinds of couples for over 20 years, including many same-sex couples who want to strengthen their relationship. I understand the unique challenges these relationships can face, and I've seen the strategies in our course make a real difference in bringing couples closer together.

Sharing your experience with a specific audience builds trust. Reassure them that you understand their specific situation and they'll be more likely to buy.

Content objections

Potential students might worry whether the course content is up-to-date, comprehensive, or relevant to their needs. These kind of course FAQs help them feel confident that you'll cover what they need to succeed.

How deeply does the course cover [subtopic]?

If your course covers a broad topic, students might be concerned about how much detail is given to the areas that matter most to them. A question like this shows that your course provides in-depth coverage where it’s needed.

Example answer

We really go into detail on nutrition in this weight loss course because it’s such a key part of losing weight and keeping it off. We cover everything from understanding food labels to planning balanced meals. We don't just skim the surface—you'll get all the tools you need to make lasting changes.

This answer reassures them that the course digs deep into essential areas, giving them the knowledge they need.

How often is the content updated?

Students might wonder if the course content stays current with the latest trends and information. Course FAQs like this reassure them that your content is always up-to-date.

Example answer

We update the Facebook Ads course regularly to keep up with changes in the platform and new strategies that work. Facebook is always evolving, so we make sure the course reflects the latest best practices. You’ll always have the most current info, so your ads stay effective.

Highlighting the regular updates gives them confidence that they’re learning the latest, most effective strategies.

Does the course also cover [subtopic]?

This question is helpful when your course covers a lot of ground, and students might wonder if their specific needs are included. A question like this shows them that the course is relevant to what they're looking for specifically.

Example answer

Yes, this marriage course covers both communication and conflict resolution because we know how important they are. We’ve included practical tips you can start using right away, whether you’re working on everyday conversations or handling bigger disagreements. We’ve made sure to cover the topics that matter most to couples.

This kind of question reassures students that they won't have to look elsewhere for what they need—the course has them covered.

Practical objections

When considering your course, students might worry about the logistics—whether they have the right tools, if they can access the course easily, or if they'll be able to get help when they need it. These course FAQs help address those concerns.

Will I need any specific equipment or materials?

Some students might wonder if they'll need to buy extra equipment or materials to complete the course. A question like this lets them know what to expect and helps them prepare if they do need to buy or prepare something.

Example answer

You don’t need any special equipment for this course—just a commitment to making some changes. We'll guide you through everything with what you probably already have at home. If we suggest anything extra, it’s optional and designed to make things easier, but not necessary.

Letting them know they can start right away without extra costs or hassle makes it easier for them to commit.

Can I access the course on any device?

Students might be concerned about whether they can easily access the course on their preferred device. A question like this reassures them that they'll be able to learn wherever and whenever it’s convenient for them.

Example answer

Yes, you can access this course on any device—whether you’re using your phone, tablet, or computer. It’s designed to work smoothly no matter where you are, and you can easily switch between devices without losing your place.

This flexibility means they can fit learning into their day, whether they’re at home, on the go, or wherever suits them best.

I'm not good with tech. What kind of technical support is there?

Some students might worry about having technical issues during the course, especially if they're not very comfortable with technology. A question like this lets them know they’ll have technical help if they need it.

Example answer

Don’t worry if you're not great with tech—this course is made to be user-friendly and if you run into any problems, our support team is here to help. You can reach out anytime and we’ll walk you through whatever you need. We've designed everything to be straightforward, but we're here to assist where needed.

Knowing they won't be stuck with tech issues helps them feel more secure about signing up, especially if they've never taken an online course before.

Engagement objections

Students might worry about whether they'll have chances to interact, ask questions, or connect with others during the course. These course FAQs help them feel confident that they won't be learning alone.

Will there be opportunities to ask questions?

Some students might be worried about whether they can get help when needed or clarify things they don't understand. A question like this reassures them that they'll have access to support.

Example answer

Definitely. In this course, we have regular Q&A sessions where you can ask questions and get advice that's specific to you. Plus, you can always reach out to the instructor if something comes up between sessions. We’re here to help whenever you need it.

Knowing they can get personalised help whenever they need it makes the course feel much more supportive.

Can I collaborate with other students?

Students might want to know if they'll have a chance to work with others, share ideas, or be part of a community. Use FAQ questions like this to let them know if collaboration is part of the course experience.

Example answer

Yes, this course has a community forum where you can connect with other students, share tips, and even work together on projects. We encourage you to get involved because the community can help keep you motivated and accountable as you go through the course.

Highlighting the chance to collaborate makes the course feel more interactive, and reduces anxiety about tackling this on their own.

I'm in a different time zone. What if I miss the live sessions?

Some students might be worried about missing out on live sessions if they're in a different time zone. A question like this reassures them that they won't miss important content if a key part of your program contains live elements.

Example answer

No problem! All the live sessions in this course are recorded, so you can watch them whenever it works for you. If you have questions, you can send them in ahead of time or follow up after watching the recording. We make sure everyone stays in the loop, no matter where they are.

Reassuring them that they won't miss out on anything even if they can't attend live can even increase the number of international students who'll consider enrolling.

Accessibility objections

Students may worry about whether the course is accessible for them, especially if they have specific needs or require certain accommodations. These online course FAQs help ensure they feel confident that your course is inclusive and accessible.

Is the course accessible for people with disabilities?

Some students might be concerned about whether they'll be able to fully participate if they have a disability—for example, blind or deaf students. A question like this reassures them that your course is designed with accessibility in mind.

Example answer

Yes, this course is fully accessible. We've added captions to all the videos and the materials come in different formats so you can choose what works best for you. We want to make sure everyone can benefit from the course, whatever their learning needs or preferences.

Making sure the course is accessible to everyone (and making that clear on the front end) means those with disabilities can enroll without needing to contact you first, which can add real friction to the conversation process.

Are there language options or subtitles available?

Students who are non-native speakers or anyone who needs subtitles might worry about understanding the content. A question like this reassures them that they'll be able to follow along if you've added these features to your lessons.

Example answer

Definitely. This course includes subtitles in multiple languages (English, Spanish and German) and we've translated key sections of the materials too. We want to make sure you can follow along easily and we're working on other translations in other languages too.

Ensuring that language isn't a barrier makes the course more inclusive and helps reach a wider audience.

What accommodations are provided for [specific needs]?

If you know some students will have specific needs, course FAQs like this let them know that you've thought about their situation and can provide extra help if needed.

Example answer

We understand that everyone has different needs. We offer flexible learning options and we can provide extra help like larger text or audio descriptions if you need them. Just let us know what works best for you and we'll do our best to make it happen.

Being willing to make accommodations shows you're genuinely committed to helping every student succeed.

Self-doubt objections

Some students might worry about whether they can successfully complete the course or if it's the right fit for them. These questions help address those concerns and build their confidence.

I'm nervous. Will I really be able to do this?

Some students might doubt their ability to succeed in the course, especially if they've struggled with similar things in the past. A question like this reassures them that they have what it takes.

Example answer

It's normal to feel nervous about starting something new, especially when it comes to weight loss. But this course is designed to make it as easy as possible. We break everything down into small, manageable steps, so you're never overwhelmed. Plus, you'll have support along the way whenever you need it. Just remember, you've already taken the first step by being here—that shows you're ready to make a change and we're here to help you succeed.

Building their confidence like this helps them see that they're more capable than they might think, making them more likely to enroll.

I've tried other courses before. What makes this time different?

Students who've taken other courses without success might worry that this one will be the same. A question like this helps them see why your course stands out from any alternatives, so they can have confidence that this time will work.

Example answer

I totally get it—trying another Facebook Ads course after all the other ones didn't work can be a big ask. But what sets this course apart is that we don't just give you theory; we focus on actionable steps you can implement right away. You'll work on real campaigns, get feedback, and see what's working or where you can improve. This course is all about results, not just learning more theory.

Helping them understand that your course offers practical, hands-on learning gives them hope that this time can be different.

I'm worried I'll get overwhelmed. What if I lose momentum?

Some students might worry that they'll start strong but struggle to keep up or lose motivation as the course progresses. Course FAQs like this reassures them that the course is designed to keep them engaged and moving forward.

Example answer

It's easy to worry about losing steam, especially with everything else going on in your life right now. But this course is built to keep you engaged. We have regular check-ins and the lessons are designed to fit into your daily life—nothing too time-consuming or overwhelming. If you ever feel like you’re slipping, just reach out. We're here to help you stay on track however we can.

Reassuring them that the course is structured to maintain their momentum can help them feel more confident in their ability to complete it. This is especially important for personal (rather than professional) development courses.

Support objections

Students might worry about whether they’ll get the help they need during the course. These questions help reassure them that support is available whenever they need it.

What types of support are available during the course?

Some students might be concerned about how much help they'll get if they run into problems. These kind of course FAQs reassure them that they'll have access to the support they need.

Example answer

We offer a few different types of support. You'll have access to a community forum where you can ask questions and share experiences with others. Plus, we hold regular live Q&A sessions where you can get direct advice from instructors. If you ever need one-on-one help, you can reach out anytime—we're here to help.

Knowing they can get help in multiple ways makes them feel more secure about tackling the course and any challenges that come up.

How can I get help if I'm stuck on something?

Students might worry about what to do if they get stuck or confused during the course. A question like this reassures them that help is just a message away and they'll hear back from you within a reasonable timeframe.

Example answer

If you get stuck at any point in the course, you can reach out through the comments section in each lesson and we'll get back to you quickly with the help you need. We also have a step-by-step guide you can refer to, which often answers common questions. Don't hesitate to ask—getting stuck is part of the learning process and we're here to help you keep moving.

Encouraging them to ask for help like this also shows that getting stuck isn't a setback, just a normal part of learning.

How quickly will I get support if I need it?

Some students might worry about how long they’ll have to wait for help if they run into issues. A course FAQ like this reassures them that they won’t be left waiting.

Example answer

We know how frustrating it can be to wait for help, so in this course, we aim to respond within 24 hours, often much sooner. Whether it’s a technical issue or a question about the content, we’re committed to getting you back on track as quickly as possible.

Quick response times show that you’re committed to their success and that help is always close at hand.

Onboarding questions

When students are considering your course, they might wonder if they need anything beforehand, how quickly they can start, or what resources will help them along the way. These questions help ease those concerns.

Are there any prerequisites before I can take this course?

Some students might be concerned about whether they need prior knowledge or skills before enrolling in this specific course. A question like this reassures them that they can jump in without needing anything extra—or explains what they do need.

Example answer

No, you don't need any prior experience to start this course. We'll start from the basics and guide you through everything step by step. All you need is the motivation to make a change, and we'll help with the rest.

Letting them know they can jump in without any prep will help them feel more confident about getting started right away.

How quickly can I start the course after enrolling?

Some students might be eager to get started right away and want to know how soon they can begin. Course FAQs like this reassure them that there's no waiting period (if your course is on-demand) and they can dive in as soon as they're ready.

Example answer

You can start this course as soon as you sign up. Once you enroll, you'll get instant access to all the materials so you can start right away. We've set it up so you can go at your own pace, whether that means diving in immediately or taking your time.

Letting them know they can start right away removes any barriers to getting going, making it easier for them to take that first step.

Key takeaways

Effective course FAQs on your sales page are key to addressing potential students' concerns and helping them decide to enroll. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Be strategic with your FAQs: Your course FAQs aren't just for answering questions—they're part of your pitch. Done right, they'll clear up doubts and encourage conversions.

  • Don't add fluff: Don't fill your course FAQs with unnecessary questions or hide important details. Make sure each question adds value rather than filling space or introducing confusing new information.

  • Focus on real objections: Address the biggest worries your potential students might have, like whether the course is worth it or if they'll see results. Honesty build confidence.

  • Be transparent to build trust: Use your FAQ to be open about things like who it's suitable for, what's covered in the course, and the support students can expect. Transparency will help students feel more secure.

  • Highlight your course's value: At every opportunity, remind students why your course is worth the investment. That means clearly framing the product as the cure for their specific problem.

A well-crafted FAQ section does more than just answer practical questions—it helps turn curious visitors into paying students.

Hiring a copywriter

Need help writing your course FAQs? A professional copywriter (like me) can make sure all of the core objections are handled for your specific audience—maximising conversions.

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